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Tatyana's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTatyana


Have you ever just known you are where you're supposed to be?!

These past couple of months have flown by and that's exactly how I feel. It is hard to even express how many doors God has flung open and how many dots have been connected! I say this all the time, but I am so grateful He knows more than I do.

It took many years before my trust in Him was in a place where I could just throw up my hands and say ok Lord I don't see it but you do so here we go! And you know what, I have never been sorry that I trusted God. He has not let me down.

Anywho, we are firmly planted here! In a matter of months, we went from a full time RV family to 1st time homeowners of a brand new construction home. Which was incredible to watch being built by the way! Zach is in an amazing job that he loves while starting his own counseling firm. The kids are involved in our amazing church that God brought us to right away. They are already starting to make friends.

I am enjoying a house again, probably way more than I expected too, haha! I can't wait until all the new builds are done around us so we can have more neighbors! I have really been enjoying the weather here and being outside so much.

There are so many little details in the every day life that wouldn't make sense to anyone outside of our family that just scream God! He really does see the desires of our hearts and He wants to fill in all needs and all the wants. If the wants don't go against His will for us, if they don't hinder our walk with Him, He wants to bless us! He is so loving and good to us!

D seems to be warming up to this idea of being planted again too. I think some of it has to do with this awesome youth group we got him in. I really wish I could make friends for him. But with autism and anxiety plus these awkward years and teens it's just so hard. I keep praying for that one good friend to come along and see D for the cool kid he and not for the symptoms he has.

If you would have told me 4 months ago that we would not only be out of the RV but have bought a house, sold the RV, sold the dually, bought 2 cars, and completely did a 180 I would have laughed in your face. But when God says it I definitely think something more like "oh crap, no way, are you serious!?" 😆

This has been a whirlwind. But a good whirlwind. One that we need and that I keep praying all my kids see God in! I know you are praying for me! I am praying for you too. Xx

Written April 2021 published June 2021



Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

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