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Tatyana's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTatyana

This is Us

Hi there.

Thanks for coming to check out For Such A Time As This.

I am Tatyana and this is my blog.

I love Jesus with all my heart! I have lived with Him and without Him. And I choose to live with Him for the rest of the days He gives me. I am unworthy but He loves me anyways. And so I choose to spend the rest of my moments looking for the ways I can be the light He asks me to be. I look for the ways I can be His hands and feet. I want to see people through His eyes. I want them to feel His love and know truth!

I have an amazing husband who served our country fearlessly and is now retired. His name is Zach and he is now a couple months away from his Masters of Divinity Degree. Next year, he will be starting the new adventure of a doctorate program. Whew! That's a lot of school right! He's incredible!

I have 3 kids and they are...well kids! LOL I love them completely.

Danny is my oldest. He is my baby boy even though he hit double digits this year and makes me feel extra old. He has autism and several other conditions but these don't define him and he doesn't let it slow him down. He is a karate star!

Natalya is my sweet middle child. She is 7 and always the peacemaker between the other 2. She's got a sweet spirit and a genuine love for people and God. She's a real prayer warrior and usually puts me in my place and reminds me that prayer always comes first! She loves gymnastics and yoga!

Addison is the baby and the worst behaved. Ha! I'm not kidding but that's ok. I had to have one kid that wrote on walls, cut their hair and broke everything. She is 4 and the perfect combination of princess and tornado. She brings a beautiful chaos to the family that we couldn't live without!

We are blessed to have my mom live with us during this season of life! She brings peace and love that only a grandma can. She is our Baba!

And Yes this is how we do family photos!



Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

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