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Tatyana's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTatyana

There's No Place Like Home

How has 3 weeks passed already? I mean they do say time flies when you're having fun right,ha! Ok, so in all honesty, being stuck in Lynchburg, Virginia for 3 weeks wasn't bad at all.

Of course the stress of not knowing what was to come was tough but RV life itself is amazing. The people, the lifestyle, the nature, the whole package in one was absolutely incredible! Zach and I said more than one time that we made friendships in that 3 weeks that it had taken years to make in the "sticks and bricks" life. RV life really brings you back to the old school way of life, the way it was intended, the way I remember it as a kid and my parents remember it as a kids. You just slow down! No one is worried if they look perfect, if the food presentation is perfect, if the kids look perfect, if everyone knows everyone or if everyone is being entertained. Heck, the second day we were there a fabulous man brought us an entire watermelon and just helped himself to a burger right off our grill in the middle of our dinner. And then he stayed and talked with us for at least 30 mins. It was amazing! That family was integral to our success in Lynchburg. I love them!

Anyways, I am really off track now. Which is why my disclaimer about my ramblings is right on the home page!!! Ok, ANYWAYS!

Timberlake RV is Lynchburg is amazing and I say GO TO THEM if you are ever in the area and need help. I mean they are go out of the way awesome individuals! They worked with our insurance and got our parts ordered, got us towed out of the RV resort, and fixed up within 7 days!

So you heard that right, at that point we had been a full time RV family for 35 days and only lived in Towanda for 21. Crazy! However, instead of sitting around in a hotel again and waiting again for repairs we decided to go on an adventure and we did!

We went to Snowshoe Mountain in West Virginia. THAT PLACE IS AMAZING! By the name of it I am sure you can tell it is a ski resort but in the summer it has just as many cool attractions and probably way less people. It was just under 5k feet elevation and ZERO cell reception. We were basically off the grid for an entire week except WIFI in the condo and that was just a few apps! I loved it! If you ever get a chance check out Snowshoe Mountain, whether in summer or winter! BUT DO NOT TAKE A BIG RIG up there! The road is one of those no guard rail fall off the side of a mountain roads 😬 it was scary enough in a Dually!!

Back to the point of this rambling...beside the pointless rambling, I had an actual formulated thought when I started, ha! When that fun week was over, we drove down the mountain and we prayed that Towanda was ready and fixed and that Timberlake RV had done well. We prayed that this time when we started out we would make it out of Virginia! We prayed that we are still in God's will and that He would continue to guide and lead us!

And Then ..... That afternoon when we got back to Towanda it was pouring rain not raining I said pouring rain LOL...AND the 12 volt battery was dead so we couldn't level or hitch up LOL.... AND both girls and the dog had been puking from car sickness.... it was a magical reunion to say the least 😂

2 hours later

We are all dry and clean and unpacked and fed.

And in all honesty there is no place like home.

Yes, our home is on wheels but it is home! And it is where we are and it is what God has given us! And since that fated night of grand reunion we have made it back through West Virginia with Towanda and now into Ohio👍 And it just feels like home! So that was my thought. How much an RV can feel like home ❤



Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

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