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Tatyana's Blog

The Final Count Down!

Writer's picture: TatyanaTatyana

The Kusters are on the road in less than 2 weeks! And we are so excited!

I think of all the ways I could have given up over the last several months, but I didn't! We didn't! We had enough valid reasons that we definitely could have. We could have postponed again but we kept praying and through it all we kept making plans and moving forward.

And here we are! We are 2 weeks from leaving our sticks and bricks house behind for good and I can't believe it is finally here! Through the covid-19 delay and then my migraines we are leaving 4 months later than we thought we would be but NO MORE! No more delays and no more drama. Please, pretty please LOL

What a journey to make it this far! Last September, we got this crazy little idea from some little blog I read and I was like we could do that! And then we were like, Nah let's put everything in storage and then do it. And then God was like, Nah sell everything and then do it! HAHA! What a mighty God we serve!

This experience of downsizing and selling and donating has been a roller coaster!! Our kids have been on this journey with us and they have been INCREDIBLE! Our oldest has autism and he is definitely our processor throughout this, but we have come to learn that, so we do a little at a time with him! My youngest is like get rid of it all LOL And my middle is very thoughtful and meticulous. Needless to say, we have learned a lot about each other!

It is amazing what little you truly need and how much you want to bless other people with when you realize how you have been "greedy" with things.

We changed the entire direction and destination of our journey because of the virus BUT God has plans for everything and we are thrilled nonetheless to be out there and exploring His creation. We have our trip planned out for the first 6 months!

This is our last week of normal activities in Virginia Beach and then next week we begin the move in! I am going to put some pictures in this post because I am just so proud of everyone in this family and all the work they have done!

My girls fit all their books, dress up clothes, toys, makeup and barbies in this tote! They fit ALL their stuffed animals in one garbage bag! They are 8 and 5 years old 💛 They will be sharing one side of the double bunk house! We have pictures of our 5th wheel remodel, before and afters, on our intsa account @our.rv.journey

My son fit all his millions of army action men, dragons, magnet blocks, legos, blocks, books, as well his ukulele and a wall display for his karate belts! No bag of stuffed animals for him, ha! He will be 11 next month.

This is my tote. Our one tote of sentimental items. It took me 6 months to decide what was going inside. It is filled with photo albums, 3 baby books, love letters from every deployment, old prayer journals, and mementos that were passed down from loved ones already in heaven. I am proud of this tote! That's a lot of decades narrowed down into one box!

We have been downsizing since last October and even still, this week, we find things that just don't seem necessary. Some we knew we would be giving away as the countdown approached and yet just this week we have collected more for our favorite local charity, Samaritan House.

This is it! These are basically ALL our worldly possessions! Besides the clothes in our closets, the necessities in our bathrooms, and the linens on our beds. It is very exciting and freeing! It is amazing how far we have come in the last 8 months since we decided to go on this crazy adventure of full time RV living!

We start moving everything from the house into Towanda next week! And 2 weeks from now we will officially be "homeless"!!! Thank you for all the encouragement and prayers! We are so excited

T O W A N D A!!!!!



Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

©2022 by For Such A Time As This. Proudly created with


Hi, I am Tatyana. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus. I love my husband. I love my 3 kiddos who I homeschool. I am excited to have a place to ramble and I appreciate you taking the time to read my thoughts!

When God wants to make a mushroom, He takes six hours. When God wants to make an oak tree, He takes 60 years. The question is: Do you want your life to be a mushroom or an oak tree? 

-Pastor Rick Warren 

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