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Tatyana's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTatyana

Stupid says "What?!"

If you haven't watched the children's movie EPIC then you have no clue what my title means. But if you have watched it you can't help but literally laugh out loud when you read it.

I can't set the scene well enough or do the joke any kind of justice but one creature says to the other creature super fast "stupid says"what?" and of course because the other creature can barely understand him he says "what?" LOL Hence the joke and the name calling of you are stupid.

This has literally been Zach and I for the first 2 weeks of full time RV life 😂 Not calling each other stupid but the world vs The Kusters..... STUPID SAYS WHAT? And we have responded every time WHAT? 😂😂😂😂😂

There is NO BETTER way to describe our beginning into this lifestyle! But just like we approach many things that turn out this way we first feel stupid and question everything, then we laugh because everything is so utterly absurd to the point of exhaustion, then we pray because NOTHING is in our control! And this can all happen in a 3 min time span, ha!

While backing into our sticks and bricks driveway, TO MOVE OUT, the bike rack on the back on Towanda, bottomed out and ripped itself and the bumper completely off. GAH! BUT, Ok, fine, no big deal. We can get this fixed later while on the road. Then, we get her in the driveway, and the leveling system won't work! For those of you that do not know, this is a HUGE deal! ZERO power, it won't go up or down...... We go through all the checklists to find out why and NOTHING. Everything seems fine. But something must be wrong somewhere RIGHT!

We never figured it out. Zach had to remove the motor (which is not easy) and manually hand crank the leveling system and it took him FOREVER to get it just right so the hitch would release from the truck. But YAY! Our truck, Cooper, was free and now we could stabilize and start moving in. The STAB JACKS WOULDN'T BUDGE! Up or down. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! No power there either. FOR NO REASON. Everything else had power. We hadn't even left our drive way LOL We were still trying to move in, ha!

Could the bumper ripping off really have had something to do with all of this? We didn't know. Stupid says What. So why not call our insurance. If we can't level and we can't stabilize, how can we move in!?

Off our RV goes to a shop and claim #1 gets opened on the Insurance.

This is 6 days before we were turning the keys over......

Long story short the lot owner of the repair place was awesome, and he let us move in while they were looking for parts. I was packing for the RV and a hotel at the same time. Day 1 of our grand new adventure was in a hotel 😆 We spent 7 days in a hotel while they looked for parts. And at the end of five days they told us if we were luck they would have parts in 2 weeks and we might be on the road in 3 weeks.

We did not want to live in a hotel for 3 weeks. We had learned in the meantime, that you could stabilize and level manually pretty easily, so the insurance said leave the claim open and hit the road if you want. SO WE DID!

We drove 5 hours to the first destination on our map! WE WERE PUMPED! We were finally on the road! Zach backed us in to our assigned spot, one of the most uneven sites I have ever seen.... Stupid says What. 😂 Good Luck for a RV that has to manually level everything. Back to front, side to side, crank by crank LOL!

CRANK....CRANK.....CRANK.....SNAP!!! The manual crank for the leveling system broke right off and snapped in two....... No, we were not level yet. It was late. We were tired. The stab jacks were down, woohoo, so we slept leaning to one side and a little forward and no one cared. Well, except maybe Zach. He was up bright and early figuring it all out!

And can I say THANK GOD FOR AMAZING NEIGHBORS! One side was a retired Marine the other side was a retired Sailor. They both jumped right in. Helped us get the wheels off the ground on one side to get level and then get more blocks on the front to get her nose up. They were amazing and encouraging. They did not look at us and go "Stupid says what"! And they for sure let us know that everyone goes through times like this and we are not the only ones.

Needless to say, we are here. We are absolutely loving it and it is a good thing because we are stuck here until we get the leveling system fixed 😂 Welcome to full time RV Life, cheers!



Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

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