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Tatyana's Blog

Rest has Become a Luxury

Writer's picture: TatyanaTatyana

Come to Me and I will give you Rest. Sounds nice right? Sounds easy and peaceful.

But how do I do that? How do I go to God and get rest? How do you do that?

Our family has been called to a season of rest... maybe you have been to? Or maybe you need a season of rest? But what is A Season of Rest ? I know God wants me in one. And I know my family needs one. And I kind of think I know what that means but how do I really find out?

When did rest become a luxury? When did I stop thinking that it was impossible to have rest every day? When I went to college? When I started a career? When I got married? When I had kids? When I took on every possible thing I could say YES to? I don't know where that mindset changed.

Somewhere along the way I decided that rest was something I could live without.

I long for rest. I know my friends long for rest. We've talked about when the kids are out of diapers, or in school, or driving themselves how much easier it will be. My husband and I have said many times that it will be great when the kids are gone! We won't have empty nesters syndrome, we will go on spontaneous dates and trips and live it up like life before kids, ha! Maybe that sounds awful to you but we really can't wait! And let's pay attention to the older generation around us..... There are not rushing around are they? They seem to really understand the importance of rest.

But the kids aren't gone, are they? And I am not old enough to slow down yet...yet! So, until then, how can I find the rest that God calls me into?

I already talked about it, in my post A Season of Rest, how as a family we are not saying YES to everything that comes our way! That is just for this season though right? Eventually that will change and we will be back to the amazingness that is saying YES! But even after that how can I continue to find rest?

Here are some other ways I feel God calling me personally to Come to Him and Rest.

1. When I wake up in the morning, I can read my Bible first. Even if my kids wake up at 4:30am(cause they do that when I make a plan to read my Bible.) I can tell them that my Bible comes first and I just need a few minutes so that I can be a nicer mommy for the day.

2. If the day doesn't go as planned that is ok. God doesn't expect me to be perfect so why should I expect that of myself.

3. I can be ok with not completing my to-do list. It will roll over to the next day and nothing bad will happen, He promised me this!

4. I can cuddle on the couch with my kids instead of worrying about everything else that is on my mind. Eventually they will hate me (because they will be teenagers) and not want to cuddle!

5. I can spend time with my husband once the kids are in bed instead of us frantically picking up the house. Why? Because my relationship with my husband is the most important thing to me! Outside of my relationship with Jesus Christ of course!

I would love to think that everyday I could spend a few hours by the pool, or in the library, or on the trail to rest but that is not my reality right now. And that is ok. God is revealing ways to rest in my crazy beautiful life He has blessed me with!

What are ways that you have found to rest?


Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

©2022 by For Such A Time As This. Proudly created with


Hi, I am Tatyana. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus. I love my husband. I love my 3 kiddos who I homeschool. I am excited to have a place to ramble and I appreciate you taking the time to read my thoughts!

When God wants to make a mushroom, He takes six hours. When God wants to make an oak tree, He takes 60 years. The question is: Do you want your life to be a mushroom or an oak tree? 

-Pastor Rick Warren 

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