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Tatyana's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTatyana

Pushing the Pause Button

I find such comfort in knowing that God saw all of this coming way before we did! Without my faith in Him I know I would be a hot mess right now.

I had no idea that when I scheduled my last post to be sent out it would be the same day that our governor would order us to stay home and start slowly shutting down our state. It was pretty much a whirlwind from there!

We immediately started praying and seeking God. We knew we didn't want to set out on this RV adventure in the middle of a pandemic but we needed to know God's will. After about a week of praying we knew we had our answer.

Have you ever gotten an answer that you knew was coming but you secretly hoped it wasn't? 😂 While we didn't want to travel because it was unsafe we were all disappointed that we had to hit the pause button on our adventure.

God knew this virus was coming when he asked us to downsize drastically and sell most of our possessions, when we bought our RV, when we decided to travel full time, when we bought our truck, when we finished our home school year 3 months ahead of time, and when we started making all the reservations for our campground stops along the east coast.

He knew this was coming before He asked us to completely change our lives so therefore we know He is still in this and we are excited for the adventure to begin whenever that may be! So in the in between time what are we going to do? How will we make the best of this down time?

Our lives, as we knew it, seemed to change overnight. We stopped going to gymnastics, karate, ABA, therapy, counseling, church, play dates, grocery stores, parks, and everything else. But it wasn't because we were moving it was for our own safety and for the safety of our fellow Americans. And this was pretty much how we explained it to the kids.

Thankfully, all 3 of them, are a bit older and for the most part we were able to explain the situation on a level they understood and could except as being a season we are in "for now." Both of my sweet girls had birthdays at the end of this month and that was very different not having parties and friends over. However, we still made cakes and had presents and decorated and made it very special for each one of them. This will be a time when we all look back on the things we learned.

Today should have been the day we pulled off and started our adventure but instead we learned that our state is closing all the state parks to campers and that private campgrounds are officially closed to out of state and temp guests. This was another day that we praised God for looking out for us! He knew this was coming and he stopped us from leaving so we wouldn't get stuck. He is a good and mighty God!

So until we can press the pause button again and start back up on the journey God laid out before us I am going to keep praying, keep being thankful and keep searching for God's will in my life through this new season.

I love you all and I am praying for you and this country and the rest of this world 💛


Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

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