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Tatyana's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTatyana

Me, Me, Me

The world is so determined to teach concepts of competition, success, keeping up, doing better, getting ahead.

It is a self centered society.

AND it is so easy to fall into this trap. I won't say that I haven't had a season of Me, Me, Me now and again. I would just be lying so why not admit it? Some seasons have ended quickly and others have lasted longer than they should have! But in the end they are all part of my testimony. God can use anything for good and He definitely takes all my weaknesses and uses them for His kingdom.

Hmmm, a self driven society. Have you ever been so focused on heading somewhere in a store or building that you don't see someone and accidentally bump into them? I know I have. Probably at least a dozen times, when I was chasing a toddler trying to escape my clutches, ha! I can't say I miss those days!

But that's not the only time I have done it. I won't blame it all on my kiddos. There were times I was so self absorbed and my tunnel vision was on point. I think most of the time it isn't even intentional. I mean at least for me I don't go around body checking people on purpose 😜 most of the time, ha!

So, how is it that what we are focused on, consumed with, becomes so important that we can't see anything around us? How is it that we literally can't see other bodies around us? It isn't like people are small. Like when you accidentally step on something on the ground. This is an entire body!

You know that I don't have the answer. I claim to be no smarter than the next guy. I just like to talk a lot and I have random thoughts that need to be expressed or I would probably implode. Which is why I started this blog 2 years ago. So I could ramble and ramble and ramble, haha!

It really just helps keep me sane and definitely helps my marriage, cuz I am sure there are so many thoughts that I have that Zach is so happy I don't ramble on to him about. Actually, now that my kids are getting older they are getting more and directed at them!! 😆

Ok, so back to the actual matter I began writing about. This thought started because I am doing a devotion by Candace Bure (LOVE HER). And she just asked a simple question about the concepts of the world and here my mind went. Of course, there is always a bit of conviction when it comes to thinking about the world and the way it really wants us to turn against each other.

Our society pushes being self centered and it really just breaks my heart. I think about my kids and how I want them to be kind. I want them to think of others first and to walk in the world with their eyes wide open. I don't want them not seeing the amazing people around them that are created in God's image. I don't want them missing out on the incredible opportunity to have more than what is right in front of their faces.

What does scripture teach us? How does God feel about the turn our country has taken to focus on self instead of others?

I dove in to the Bible after I started thinking about the way life has changed. After I started thinking about how I see people interact with each other.

The entire Old Testament is filled with story after story about the people becoming self centered, God coming in and having to give a judgment to open their eyes, the people repenting, then living in harmony and peace, and then slowly going back to old habits. They would begin to look to self and fall away from God and then it would get so bad and so sinful that God would pass judgement again and they would right the wrongs and rinse and repeat for 100s of years, generation after generation.

God's word has never wavered, He has always asked us, since the beginning of His creating us, to love one another. We are to SEE one another. There is nothing wrong with success and doing well, but it should never come at the expense of another one of God's children.

Romans 13:10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Hebrews 13:1-2 Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride of life- is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

That last verse is such a good reminder isn't it? All the things of this world are going to pass away. Only the things that matter, the kindness, the gentleness, the patience and understanding, the love and forgiveness, only those things will abide with us forever with God in heaven.

These verses I chose to included were the ones that simply spoke to me and that I wrote down on sticky notes and put on my walls. But I encourage you to jump into scripture, find your own verses and see what God wants to say to you.

If you are in a Me, Me, Me season it is ok to take a step back and reevaluate and figure out what God wants for you and for your life. He is a forgiving and mighty God! And He will use your story to touch peoples lives! Love you all and I am praying for you daily. Xx

Written May 2021 Published July 2021


Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

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