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Tatyana's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTatyana

Hurricane Matthew

Is there such a thing as an absentee blogger?!? 😂 I have completely disappeared on y'all and I am soooo sorry! It has been an amazing and busy 2 weeks!

So while I can not give away everything that the Lord is revealing to us and the changes we are making I can tell you that the shift is huge and life changing!

Any decision for Christ should be life changing though right? Every decision affects our walk with Him and how we work for His kingdom.

Over the past two weeks we have been organizing, cleaning, purging, donating, selling and getting ready for a huge transition. Being in the military we always moved a lot and so I was never given the opportunity to settle and really collect things. I have gotten good at going through things and letting go and moving on. It was just a part of the culture. It has been no different in these short 2 years of civilian life. We knew this wouldn't be permanent. My hubby is here for school and we would be off again.

Our time here is coming to an end and with winter coming we decided fall was a great time to get busy and start the "process." This is always easiest on the kids surprisingly. They are great about going through clothes and toys and picking out favorites and picking the ones to donate. It is actually very precious and makes me think "Wow maybe we are doing something right" 😆

This "downsizing" of ours has been even more selective than in the past and in the future we will explain why! That being said it is amazing how God can use every situation to bring glory to His kingdom. I could tell story after story of the people we have encountered over the last 2 weeks but one stands out in particular tonight.

Ms. Rose lost her house in Hurricane Matthew 3 years ago. Matthew was a category 5 that had catastrophic destruction to much of the southeastern atlantic coast. Rose had not had the courage to move into another house until this year. She said that she still has fear every time it rains. Can you imagine?

We had never met Rose until this weekend and if she hadn't of come to look at something we were selling our paths may have never crossed. You know, God uses anything to reach His children to let them know they are seen and loved.

This story isn't about us. It isn't about what we were able to do for Rose or what she bought or what we talked about. Without even telling all the details I can tell you with all assurance I know she was blessed. I know she was reminded that there is a God. I know she felt loved and seen and I know she will go forward with more confidence then before.

We will never see Ms. Rose again and that's ok. I know I won't forget her though. But in the end none of what happened between us and her had anything to do with buying or selling. It had everything to do with God using us to tell His child that He sees her, loves her and knows her.

This is the God we serve. This is the God who loves us. This is why we pay attention and walk in His obedience. I do not want to miss a thing!

I know you don't either. Keep your eyes open, listen to the still small voice. This world sweeps us up into the lie that we must appear busy and successful all the time but it is ok to be slow and still and listen. Listening to people, hearing them and looking at them. Really looking at them will allow God to use you in ways you never imagined!

I won't disappear this long again! We are taking a break from the downsizing this week and focusing on a different aspect of the transition. Talk again soon 😍



Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

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