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Tatyana's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTatyana

Gold Sprinkles

Mom award goes to me tonight! At least the kids think so! We had ice cream sundaes for dinner. Yes, I said for dinner. No, not after dinner. Or with dinner. The sundaes were the dinner. They were delicious and a big hit! Not surprising though right 😆

I dropped off my beautiful minivan at the car place for her spa day at 7am. That just means an oil change and inspection and tires and blah blah blah. Spa day for the car is cuter! Daniels ABA clinic had a trip to the pumpkin patch today so we tagged along for the first half of the day! It was great and it always amazes me how well places like that do their best to accommodate sensory sensitive kiddos. After that we spent a couple hours with Towanda (the Rv). Raced back to the "Car Spa" to get my beauty before closing. I was tired. They were tired. So what did we decide to have for dinner?

Ice Cream Sundaes! Do Not Judge Us 😂 It is friday, you know! Needless to say, it was a busy day and I am ready for rest...ahhhh one of my favorite words... REST ❤

Work VS Rest. Why do they have to compete?

Work usually has a negative feeling behind it. Work = Draining, hard, stress, something that has to be done, no fun. Rest on the other hand seems to be an opposite. Rest = Rejuvenating, peace, easy, desirable, enjoyable.

But why do work and rest have to be opposites? Why do they have to compete? Can I have both at the same time? Do I have to feel guilty about one if I am not doing the other?

Does God teach us anything about the balance of Work and Rest?

When something or someone is in opposition with another thing or person that means they are fighting, right? In a world when we are deemed valuable with the busier we appear, how do we show and teach the value of rest to our children and those around us? Why do we tend to feel guilty if we take a break, if we decide to not fold that laundry, or wait to do the dishes until the morning? Society has programmed us to believe that rest is the same as laziness.

But what if work and rest were meant to work together? Like friends helping each other or family looking out for one another. What if they needed each other to function, to thrive and to fulfill the mission in God's kingdom?

Does God love us less when we are resting then when are working? Does He love me less when Zach and I are watching tv at the end of our day instead of going through more boxes, or writing more papers (Zach's schooling) or cleaning the house (which happens every moment of the day)! I mean if I stop and think about it it seems absurd right? Why would He love me less? He Himself created me and all of us to need rest.

In order to live well we need to take the time to rest. As I have talked about so many times over the past few months we are in A Season of Rest. And that doesn't mean we aren't busy! It means we are more careful with our time. More intentional with work and with rest.

When we started renovating Towanda we made a promise we wouldn't work on it unless we kept it fun and we had good attitudes! And we have done a great job of that. We have laughed at ourselves more than anything else and at our non DIY skills. It is a work in progress just like us! We have made this about the journey and not about the perfection.

Life is hard work. The Bible tells us it is. We will struggle and we will have trials. It also guides us to rest. Rest physically with sleep, with a massage, with a run, with whatever relaxes you. But also rest in God's word and in His presence. Soak in His love and acceptance and surround yourself with people who understand that need.

Because it is ok to rest and it is ok to eat Sundaes for dinner! Sundaes with Gold Sprinkles

Yes my sundae had gold sprinkles!


Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

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