What a wondrous time of faith it must have been to follow that great big light in the sky. It was taking them to an unknown place to worship the unknown Savior that they had waited hundreds of years for. What amazing faith, wonder, anxiety, and fear must have filled their senses as they went into the unknown.
They had no idea what they would encounter along the way or who they would meet once they got there. They simply knew that they must go, they were being called to go. They needed to follow that star and trust the Creator of the star.
I think we have all followed stars before. The question is, who was leading the star, who created the stars we have followed? Was it The Creator or was it the world? What journeys have you been on this year, where have they led you?
As Christmas and New Year are approaching, I have done more reflecting than normal on the last 12 months. We followed some big stars this year! There has been much learned and of course some mistakes were made as well but the amazing part is that when following a star given by the Creator it's impossible to have regrets.
This year has been an incredible journey. God has taught us many things and shown us insights into our children and into ourselves. The stars we have followed have sometimes lasted months and others have been just a few weeks. But the one thing they all have in common is that they take faith. It's so hard to give up control but when you do the rewards that come of it are eternal.
As most of you know, we planted the wheels of Towanda in a tiny RV community at the beginning of this year. A star had brought us to Panama City, Florida and I am soooooo grateful we followed! There have been moments when I questioned if this was really the place but the star remains steadfast over this wonderful city that has definitely become home.❤️
It was hard on all of us to say goodbye to fulltime travel but the longer we are here the more we can see all the blessings in disguise. The more we trust, the more He reveals the bigger picture.
Matthew 2:9-10
After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.
We all have a choice to find joy in the journeys of life. The wise men didn't know where they were going but they knew who was leading them. Just like them, we too, don't always know where we are headed but we do know who is in control. We know who sees the big picture and we can choose not only to trust Him but to do it with joy.
As the rays of our big star continue to shine down, even now over Panama City, different parts of the journey are still being revealed. This is not a star to be ignored. This is something that God wants us, as a family, to constantly be remembering so that we can always be in His light and in His will.
At Christmastime especially, I am reminded that the faithful followed with trust not with sight. They didn't know what the final outcome would be. I pray as you reflect on your stars, that not only will you see brightly the ones that are from the Creator but that you will boldly follow with trust and faith.
Merry Christmas my Friends! I am praying for you daily. Xx