I can't believe it has been over a month since I have written! Not because I haven't had anything to ramble on about. Because I am sure that will never happen! It is because the internet sucks every where we go 😂 and I do not take the time to search out areas that have have good reception.
I have actually had this on my mind for a while and it hasn't strayed from the fore front because no matter where we go it remains the same. So it is time for some ramblings of a mom!
People have become desensitized to the beauty of nature around them.
I realize that we are blessed and live a very different lifestyle. We live in a "state of vacation" so to speak. We have the luxury of slowing down and really seeing what is around us. But do we have to do that? Does it come with this lifestyle? No, it doesn't. It is not mandatory or natural.
Before RV life, admiring God's creation around me came naturally. I could find the beauty in the clouds intriguing or the color of the flowers fascinating. The many shades of green in a garden gave me delight. These things were natural to me. Not everyone is like that. And that is fine. We are all made differently. And we are supposed to be.
But not until we slowed down did I realize that people have become desensitized to the beauty of nature around them. I understand what it is like to drive them same road year after year. To go to work day after day. I know this feeling! I just never forgot to look past the monotony of the drive. I still found the shimmer of the sunlight in the trees, or the glimmer of the raindrops on the windshield, or the way the drive would change through each season.
We move to a new town every 1 to 3 weeks now. The beauty is ever changing and always new. We travel slowly and intentionally. We take our time even after we drop off the massive Ol' Girl at the RV park. We don't speed around every where we explore and most of the time cars are flying by us. On two lane roads, four lane roads, all kind of roads!
I am not saying every person that passes us is in a state of oblivion flying through life desensitized. That would be foolish. I am saying that we have noticed on many occasions that we can be driving down a beautiful road surrounded by God's creation, driving the speed limit mind you😆, and cars will fly past us. Completely distracted from the beauty and world right in front of them.
Have you ever been somewhere like a park, a zoo, a beach, anywhere where the main point is nature and you see people mostly looking down at their phones? We do. ALL THE TIME. As traveling RVers we make it a point to find beautiful and unique things to do and see. So many times we go and I see people barely even looking up. I won't say I don't pull out my phone and take pictures. Cause I do! Our Instagram proves that. However, I am still in the moment. The editing and posting comes waaayyyyyy later, after the fact. So what are these individuals getting from the experience? What are they missing out on? What's missing that this scenery isn't striking them the way it does for some of us?
I am not here to judge. I hope it doesn't sound like it. I am always just here to ramble. I am here to share my thoughts and my heart. And today I am mostly here to share sadness because the beauty around us is captivating. It is filled with love and it should be treasured. I am here to hopefully encourage you and others to not become desensitized. Friends don't let friends become desensitized lol
I believe in a God that loves us and wants us to know peace and feel it. I feel His love and peace and see it and know it through His gift of creation. And the last thing I want is to continue to see people lose their recognition of the beauty around them.
Romans 1:20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities- His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
#tatysblog #newpost #ramblingsofamom #desensitized #nature #rvlife #godscreation #mommyblog #christianblogger #christianwife #christianmom #jesusfollower