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Tatyana's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTatyana

But Why Should I Obey?

Things seem to be changing all the time.

The kids are growing. Needs are changing.

Jobs and positions are shifting. Responsibilities are changing.

Seasons are passing. Weather is changing.

Babies are being born. Families are changing.

People are dying. Sadness is changing.

Neighbors are moving. Friendships are changing.

Leaders are being voted in. Politics are changing.

Houses are being bought. Schools are changing.

Doctors are making diagnosis. Outcomes are changing.

The world is revolving therefore lives are changing.

As I mentioned in my last post God gave me the word OBEDIENCE for 2020. This is my focus for this year. But WHY should I obey? What does it do for me? How can I remain constant in my obedience to God when everything around me is always changing? Can I follow His word for me in all circumstances? What is the point of staying in obedience to Him when daily existence can feel so uncertain?

Happiness comes and go. We all know that seeking happiness can take us down dark roads that lead us into addiction. We can become addicted to shopping, eating, makeup, youtube, friends, drugs, approval. There are many ways that we can look for ways to "stay happy." I can go ahead and check that off the list! Happiness is not the way to stay motivated to obey God.

Success feels good. Until it doesn't. It can be years, months or just days before that high of success fades away. Success isn't a bad thing to want! It just can't become the one thing that drives your obedience to God. I'll stay away from that thing God asked me stay away from because no one in my office does it either and I'll look really good to them... Um no! That is not why I should obey God right.

Where does my desire to obey God come from?

This answer could be different for everyone. I can only write about why God gave ME this word for 2020. Why I feel He put it in my heart. Who knows how He will use it the rest of the year. I am simply sharing with you what I see my motivation to be in order to stay in line with His desire for me to walk in obedience with Him.

GUIDANCE. Who wouldn't want to be guided through life by the one who got it perfectly right? So why not ask Him for help? I am not annoying Him by talking to him, or asking Him for help. He wants me praying to Him, sharing my deepest concerns, fears, hopes and desires. Nothing is too big or too small for Him. HE LOVES ME. In fact, when I go silent and I don't talk to Him it makes Him sad, He misses me. God misses me, He pursues me, He reaches out to me. Walking in obedience gives me His guidance every day.

JOY. I want to remain in His joy and remember how it can wipe away all that uncertainty and how it grounds me. It feels like holy water washing over my skin. Choosing to obey will bring me the kind of joy that it takes to walk through the changes I listed above. The good, the bad and the ugly! His joy is not fleeting not like happiness and I will NEVER have to chase it.

REACTION. Not gonna lie I need help with my response in a lot of situations! Change is hard! I like schedules, I like my house running smoothly. I like a lot of things in their place, nice way to say OCD 😆 I want my kids behaving and communicating. I like it when the grocery store has everything I need! I like all green lights. Things going smoothly is my jam. Then I wake up 😂 Ok, but that dream is not life and it isn't even a fun life! I can't predict much that is going to happen in this life but the fact is I know change will happen. Walking in obedience of Christ will change my reaction to the changes that I know are coming. When I get kicked out of my comfort zone I desire for my reaction to show the love of God. And to do that I need to obey what He wants for my life!

Obedience brings Guidance. Guidance gives Joy. Joy inspires Reaction.



Tatyana's Blog


You've stumbled across the ramblings of a wife and mom. This is my place to come say all the things I'm thinking and share the truths about those thoughts based on God's word. I am a simple girl. I love Jesus, my husband, and my 3 kiddos that I homeschool. I am grateful for this life God has given me. If you've stuck around and read any of this shenanigans, I am definitely grateful for you! 

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